Luca Ratti

Luca Ratti è professore ordinario di Storia delle relazioni internazionali nella Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Ha inoltre insegnato presso le Università di Cardiff, Portsmouth, Carleton, Napoli Orientale, LUMSA, The American University of Rome e nella NATO Field School della Simon Fraser University. È autore di tre monografie, due volumi editi e diversi saggi e articoli. Alcune tra le sue recenti pubblicazioni includono: ‘The Anglo-American special relationship and West Germany’s Eastern policy from ‘bridge-building’ to Ostpolitik’, The International History Review (2021), ‘Reviving Flexible Response: An assessment of NATO’s Russian strategy on the Alliance’s 70th anniversary’, Journal of Slavic Military Studies (2019), ‘Italy and NATO in the 21st century: still a formidable partnership?’ in Michele Testoni (ed.), NATO and Transatlantic Relations in the 21st century: Foreign and Security Policy Perspectives (London and New York: Routledge, 2020), ‘The role of NATO in European integration’ in Massimo de Leonardis (ed), NATO in the post-Cold War era: Continuity and Transformation (Cham: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2022), ‘NATO and the CSDP after the Ukraine War: the end of European strategic autonomy?’, Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies, (Vol. 16, no.2, 2023), ‘Realism', in Sebastian Mayer (ed.), Research Handbook of NATO (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2023).