Questa è una versione superata pubblicata il 2020-11-04. Visita la versione più recente.

L’idea di Europa nella riflessione di Giulio Maria Chiodi

The idea of Europe in the reflection of Giulio Maria Chiodi


  • Fabio Pagano

Parole chiave:

European culture, European identity, Universalism, Pluralism, Giulio Maria Chiodi


This essay seeks to analyze some aspects of Giulio Maria Chiodi’s reflection on Europe. In particular, it focuses on the characteristics of the European identity and on its pluralist and universalist dimension. European identity is explored through the conceptual tools of disciplines such as political and juridical symbolism, and within the institutional horizons and the potential forms of European unity, having respect of its own identity and those of others, even in contrast to the current European Union resulting from the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties.


2018-11-05 — Aggiornato il 2020-11-04



